Make a wish!
Make a wish! The Wishing Well within Crystallis can make wishes come true in exchange for WISHING COINS!
Make a wish! The Wishing Well within Crystallis can make wishes come true in exchange for WISHING COINS!
Animal Jam is proud to celebrate Safer Internet Day! Have you seen the cool banners located around Jamaa? You can click on them to learn tips and tricks to help you practice safety online! Do you have what it takes to click on all the banners scattered throughout Jamaa?
As part of our effort to help you stay safe online, and keep your accounts secure, we have put together a video on internet safety.
Also, be sure to check out the Internet Safety Quiz in the Conservation Museum in Appondale! Complete the quiz and earn a prize. Want to learn more about how to play safely online?
Visit the Animal Jam Rules page:
Play Safe and Jam On!
At AJHQ, we encourage Jammers to be creative and share their work, but we also want them to practice internet safety while doing so! Did you know that sharing your social media channel name, in game, is considered Personal Identifying Information (PII) and against Animal Jam rules?
At AJHQ, we are legally obligated to moderate sharing of Personal Identifying Information in game. Our filter blocks it, but if you try to dodge the filter, it can result in a disciplinary action on your account. Stay safe! Keep your personal information, your username and your password to yourself!
Play safe and Jam On!
When logging into Animal Jam, you may have noticed a new JAMMER SECURITY CHECK that pops up if you are entering the wrong password. This new security check helps ensure JAMMER SAFETY, making Jamaa a safer place! Here's what the JAMMER SECURITY CHECK looks like:
If you see this window pop up while trying to login, you may be entering your password incorrectly. If this window appears simply drag the image that best matches the image on the right. In this case, you would drag the CARROT towards the BUNNY to log in to your account. If you fail to drag the correct image, you may get temporarily locked out of your account, so swipe accurately!
Jam on safely!