AJHQ and Jambassadors are ready to meet you!

20240625 Class Jambassador Event-01 AJHQ and Jambassadors are ready to meet you in both Animal Jam and AJ Classic on 6/26/2024, at 4 PM MST. Be a part of our exciting event!

💌 Here are the event details: 📅 Date: 6/26/2024 ⏰ Time: 4 PM MST

🎉 Visit any of the Jambassadors’ dens (look out for their posts indicating they are participating). Join us for a frenzy of fun games, awesome prizes, and unforgettable experiences!

🔒 🔓 As usual, dens will be unlocked at the start time (we will lock and unlock throughout the event to allow for opportunities for all to join). Parties last for one hour or for as long as the host wishes to continue. (AJHQ will be splitting their time between Animal Jam and Animal Jam Classic)

Don’t Miss out! (AJHQ will be splitting their time between AJ and AJC)

HQ Signature

Story Den Tour Features!

Experience the magic of storytelling through the imaginative dens in Animal Jam and AJ Classic by Bixiiwow36, Curlers, Daisypawkitty, Lucassnowarts, Yelena689, Carriel05, gamegood34, Ghostthewolf12, lolypopony, nattybug131, shanzebra, puppylovex10, Azylnn, chocnut, duderanch, theodds, Jinxstarr, rindragon, Kitkat7462, Spookymazestart! aj Spookymazestart (1)

aj Daisypawkitty (1)

aj duderanch (1)

aj Jinxstarr

aj Kitkat7462

aj rindragon

ajc Azylnn

ajc chocnut

ajc puppylovex10

ajc theodds

ajc shanzebra

aj Bixiiwow36

aj Curlers

aj Yelena689

aj Lucassnowarts

ajc Carriel05

ajc gamegood34

ajc Ghostthewolf12 (1)

ajc lolypopony

ajc nattybug131

HQ Signature

Tortoises! Did you Know!?

20240614 Eurasian Wolf and Tortoise-04

Isn’t it amazing how tortoises are designed for success on land with their robust legs? 🐢💚 Share your favorite tortoise or reptile fact in the comments below!

HQ Signature