Compliment a Buddy Day!

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Let’s turn this National Compliment Day into a thankful celebration by appreciating our friends 👭! Tag your buddy 👇and share why you are thankful to have them in your life. Remember, a heartfelt compliment could be the sunshine ☀️ in someone’s gloomy day.

HQ Signature

Server Maintenance January 23rd - UPDATE: Maintenance Complete

UPDATE: Maintenance Complete Server

We will be performing a planned server maintenance tonight across all platforms around 11:00pm MST (That is 10:00pm Pacific/Midnight Central and 1am Eastern) During this time, you will be unable to log into your Animal Jam or AJ Classic account. DON’T PANIC! Thank you for being patient during this time!

HQ Signature

Get Involved: Preservation

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20250123 One Step-Preservation-02 Historic preservation helps us maintain locations, buildings, objects, and archives that can teach us about our HISTORY! Get together with your friends, family, or class to take ONE STEP!

Have your adult help you find a volunteer project that’s best for you!

Animal Jam will continue to post about how you and your friends, family, or class can GET INVOLVED! HQ Signature