Jammer Safety - Why do I have to pick an image to log in?

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Why do I have to pick an image to log in?

At Animal Jam, we utilize standard industry security measures to help protect your important information; therefore, we have initiated a new protective security measure. If you type in your password incorrectly too many times, you will need to prove you are human by selecting an image that matches the picture correctly.

Once you have chosen the correct image, you will then be redirected back to the login screen to put in the correct password. If you still can't get in, get your parents help to reset your password. You can find out how by visiting the HELP DESK. What happens if I am locked out of my account after putting in my password incorrectly too many times?

butterfly butterfly butterfly butterfly butterfly

Please wait at least 10 minutes to start the process again and definitely think about resetting that password!

We hope this helps... Jam on!

Jammer Safety - Personal Identifying Information

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At AJHQ, we encourage Jammers to be creative and share their work, but we also want them to practice internet safety while doing so! Did you know that sharing your social media channel name, in game, is considered Personal Identifying Information (PII) and against Animal Jam rules?

At AJHQ, we are legally obligated to moderate sharing of Personal Identifying Information in game. Our filter blocks it, but if you try to dodge the filter, it can result in a disciplinary action on your account.

Stay safe! Keep your personal information, your username and your password to yourself!
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How to submit to News Crew!


Animal Jam encourages learning and writing by giving Jammers the chance to become members of the NEWS CREW! If you're interested in becoming a member of the NEWS CREW, here's how it works:


AJHQ assigns a theme and Jammers write reports based on that theme. The winning reports are then featured on the DAILY EXPLORER. The winners receive a NEWS CREW PLAQUE, along with a NEWS CREW BADGE for their hard work! Once you receive your plaque and badge, you're an official member of the NEWS CREW!



1. Find out which reports are coming due by reading NEWS CREW posts on the DAILY EXPLORER.

2. Write a report based on whichever NEWS CREW theme AJHQ assigns. You can write your report using a Word document, and copy and paste your report via JAMMER CENTRAL.

3. Head to JAMAA TOWNSHIP and click on the bulletin board in JAMMER CENTRAL. Enter your report by copying and pasting the text into the open text box. Jammer Central has an upload limit, so reports must be under 500 words.


4. After you've inserted your report into the text box, upload your snapshot by clicking the plus sign, so other Jammers can see who wrote the article! If you want to learn how to take a snapshot of your avatar, click here: HOW TO TAKE A SNAPSHOT

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5. When you submit your report, please title the submission as NEWS CREW along with the TOPIC you are submitting, (NEWS CREW - POLAR BEARS). Once you've uploaded your report, along with a snapshot, click on the button that says SUBMIT... Now your report is ready for AJHQ's review!

Jam on!

Happy Safer Internet Day!!!

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Greetings Jammers and Happy SAFER INTERNET DAY!

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SAFER INTERNET DAY happens every February and promotes safer use of online technology.

Each year a new theme is chosen, and this year's theme is 'Play Your Part for a better internet'. This is a very good theme because it helps our Animal Jam community understand that it has the power to make the internet a better place!

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You can help make the internet a safer place by never bullying or treating others with disrespect. You can also practice making the internet safer by never giving out personal information to anybody online.
If you'd like to learn more about internet safety, just visit our ANIMAL JAM RULES page. You can also take an INTERNET SAFETY QUIZ, located in the CONSERVATION MUSEUM, and earn a cool plaque!

Can you think of any other ideas that can help make the internet safer for all Jammers?!

Let us know, and as always Jam on!