Safe & Secure Mission

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Safe & Secure Mission! If you haven’t completed this mission we hope you do soon and stop by to visit Fleece too!

Complete Missions to earn prizes and rewards, plus Badges for your Player Card! To start a mission, tap on the tab on the left side of your screen!

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Animal Jam's May Update is on it's way to your device!

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Animal Jam’s May Update is on it’s way to your device! See What’s New here and watch for information on when the update will be live on your device below or on our Known Issues Article

May content is live on (Instagram Post (Square)) (2)

Update Currently Live On the following platforms: 

  • Amazon
  • Google
  • Steam
  • IOS
  • Desktop (osx and windows)

Important notes to remember: 

  • Once one of your devices updates, you won’t be able to log onto other devices until they have the same update.

  • Until everyone is playing the same version, you may not be able to locate, interact with, or visit some of your Buddies.

  • You won’t lose Daily Spin prizes on either version of Animal Jam.

  • Uninstalling and reinstalling will NOT make the update arrive faster, and it could cause you to lose saved Masterpieces.

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AJHQ Picnic Tour!

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Our Picnic tours have been filled with all kinds of treats!
Visits from den owners and their buddies, special treats, incredible masterblocks, and the list goes on!! Thank you for the hospitality! Here is our first group to feature: morningwonder, noe, badintention, yodalayeehoo2, poprocksavedmylife, fxrtress, pandamommy74, wildwoo, mygrilledcheese, and kiyoomii

Not to worry we are still touring! Tomorrow will be our final feature! Create the perfect picnic den in Animal Jam or Animal Jam Classic!

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