Jambassador applications are CLOSED

Jambassador applications are now CLOSED.

The role of “Jambassador” is an unpaid influencer position in which the creators of Animal Jam provide to you exclusive resources and opportunities that help make your content the best it can be!

This includes but is not limited to:

  • Early game content previews; prepare your posts ahead of time!
  • Exclusive game materials that making your content stand out.
  • Interviews & discussion panels with staff members.
  • Monthly in-game promotional events with special prizes.
  • Collaboration opportunities with our official social media channels.
  • Opportunities to publish your content in-game.

If you have submited this application form by no later than May 31st, 2023 you will be considered for the Jambassador program.

The final Jambassador selection will be publicly announced no later than August 31st, 2023.

HQ Signature

Trivia Tuesday - Chameleons

Trivia Tuesday (Instagram Post (Square))

Test your knowledge in today’s Trivia Tuesday about our latest Pet Chameleon!

Chameleons are solitary creatures that prefer to live alone! Even when they’re kept as pets, they need a lot of space, privacy, and natural plant cover to feel comfortable and safe! Being held by people can stress them out.

Chameleons change color based on:

A) Their surroundings B) Their emotions C) Temperature D) Party vibes

In the wild, chameleons tend to be:

A) Solitary and territorial B) Curious and explorative C) Social and familial D) Party animals

A chameleon’s tongue can extend within: A) 1 second B) 1/2 of a second C) 1/4 of a second D) 1/16 of a second

202305 May Icons Chameleon (2)

Answers: BAD HQ Signature