Pack Points Update!

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Pack Runners, news alert! 📣 Collect PACK POINTS this February with each run and chest, and redeem exciting rewards in your Pack Hideout SHOP! Ready, set, go! 💪🎉

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Animal Jam's February Update - 2025

2025 February Update-07 Animal Jam’s February Update is on it’s way to your device! Watch for information on when the update will be live on your device below. Find out What’s New Here!

Update Currently Live On the following platforms: 

Important notes to remember: 

  • Once one of your devices updates, you won’t be able to log onto other devices until they have the same update.

  • Until everyone is playing the same version, you may not be able to locate, interact with, or visit some of your Buddies.

  • You won’t lose Daily Spin prizes on either version of Animal Jam.

  • Uninstalling and reinstalling will NOT make the update arrive faster, and it could cause you to lose saved Masterpieces.

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Catch up with Leilani!

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Exciting news in February! Catch up with Leilani all through the week to trade items in exchange for coins! 💎 Be on the lookout for additional days where she will trade Leilani coins in exchange for an item to build up your Leilani coin savings —AJ Members will get x2!! 🔁 🎁

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