Safer Internet Day!

20250211 Safer Internet Day!-09

20250211 Safer Internet Day!-10

20250211 Safer Internet Day!-11

20250211 Safer Internet Day!-12

February 11 is SAFER INTERNET DAY! It’s becoming harder to identify REAL pictures online, so always give pictures a CLOSER LOOK before sharing them, and learn how to SPOT THE DIFFERENCE between a REAL image and a FAKE one! Follow these T.I.P.S.: Text: 🔍 Can you read the TEXT, or does it look scrambled? Identify: 🔍Can you IDENTIFY what each object is once you take a closer look? Do the DETAILS make sense? Placement: 🔍Can you imagine a person PLACING items in the picture, or are they in odd places? Symmetry: 🔍Do both sides match, or is one part weirdly different from the other?

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