Contest! Design A Jam-A-Gram!

20240207 Design a Jam A Gram Contest!-02

20240207 Design a Jam A Gram Contest!-01

💌 💕 Join us in celebrating National Send a Card to a Friend Day! Show your love and appreciation to your favorite buddies in Animal Jam by sending a heartfelt message in-game. And if you’re feeling extra creative, participate in the Design a Jam-A-Gram Contest located in Jamaa Township. Use the Painting activity to design a unique Jam-A-Gram template and submit it for a chance to see it added to the game! Don’t miss out on this opportunity to spread friendship and creativity.🎨✉️

Jam-A-Grams need a spot for a STICKER and a MESSAGE! As you’re designing, make sure your most important details are OUTSIDE the white area! Otherwise, they’ll get covered up! You can still paint and color in the white area, but your details will be less visible!

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